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Aligned Capital Partners


Originally founded in 1987 and headquartered in Peterborough, Ontario, Aligned Capital Partners was transformed through an acquisition in the spring of 2012 and moved to Burlington, Ontario. This transformation allowed the firm to be re-tooled with the specific intent of creating a firm where Canada's best independent financial planners could find a welcoming home. Our firm is built on the foundation of unmatched industry experience, innovation, and "out of the box" style solutions designed solely for the benefit of the independent thinking, client-centric, and professional advisor.

ACP's™ guiding philosophy is grounded in these core principles:

  • Our evolution is based on seeking out the opinions, comments and ideas of our advisors and acting on them.
  • We will continuously invest in technology and processes to capture efficiencies that allow us to run a low cost yet highly responsive business platform.
  • We treat all of our stakeholders in a fair, equitable manner in order to foster trust, respect and professionalism

Aligned Capital Partners Website

Marc McIver is registered to provide investment advice and to offer securities products in the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario.


Know Your Advisor

Aligned Capital Partners Inc. is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (www.CIPF.ca) and the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (www.CIRO.ca). All non-securities related business conducted by Paladin Financial Inc. is not covered by the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF). Non-securities related business includes, without limitation, advising in or selling any type of insurance product, mortgage service, and/or tax return preparation service. Accordingly, ACPI is not liable and/or responsible for any non-securities related business conducted by Paladin Financial Inc., and all such non-securities related business is the responsibility of Paladin Financial Inc. alone.